Vã Revelação – Bruna Black

Vã Revelação presents a broad array of sub-genres under the umbrella of Brazilian Jazz: there are classic Bossas and Sambas, but also Baião, Partido Alto, Forró, and Afoxê. Bruna proves herself a vocal chameleon, shifting in colors, register, and expressive intention.

It is not by chance or luck that Bruna continues to display her artistry across the globe; she is a star, and she makes this music shine.

Vã Revelação

Produced by Emilio D. Miler & John Finbury

Music by John Finbury

Lyrics by Bruna Black (7,9), Caro Pierotto & Grecco Buratto (4,8), Thalma De Freitas (2), Vitor Ramil (6), Alexia Bomtempo (3,5) & Apoena Frota (1).

Lead Vocals: Bruna Black
Piano: Rhodes,
Accordion: Vitor Gonçalves
Guitar: Chico Pinheiro
Bass: John Patittucci
Drums: Duduka Da Fonseca
Percussion (1-6): Rogério Boccato

Percussion(9): Léo Rodrigues, Vinicinhos Magalhães & Caue Silva
Background Vocals(9): Vitor Gonçalves, Duduka Da Fonseca, Rubens Oliveira, André Maia Lima, Zuri Oliveira Santos, Beth Scott, Omisha Chaitanya, John Finbury, Ari Lavigna, Emilio D. Miler & Bruna Black.

Recorded by Ari Lavigna at The Powerstation @ Berklee NYC, assisted by Neal Shaw and Beth Scott

Percussion (Tracks 1-6) recorded by Rogério Boccato at Glass Door Studio

Percussion (Track 9) recorded by Ricardo Camera at Trama Nacena, assisted by Douglas Martins and Caio Laranjeira

Mixed by Ari Lavigna at Nómade Mix
Mastered by Carlos Freitas at Classic Master USA

Art Direction by Mayra Muniz & Bruna Black Graphic Design by Mayra Muniz
Cover Photo by Estêvão Andrade
John Finbury’s photo by Alessio Romano Group photo by André Maia 

Vã Revelação Gallery




  1. Vã Revelação (4:08)
  2. Pérolas (4:19)
  3. Para Me Entender (3:46)
  4. Inverno De Nós Dois (3:10)
  5. Nosso Cais (3:37)
  6. Uma Noite Com Você (3:26)
  7. Romántico Calor (3:47)
  8. Será (3:22)
  9. Chão De Nuvem (4:19)


1- Vã Revelação

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Apoena Frota

Dentro do Silêncio
Ante ao firmamento
Prefiro derramar-me em mar
Emaranhado ao fundo

No azul cinzento
O meu complemento vai
Perdido entre chão e ar
Na luz do devaneio

Vou ficar, me entregar
Até o sol nascer
Estrela sumindo devagar
Vem dissipar meu resplandecer

E vão ruindo todos os sentidos em contradição
Em sim, em não, em tudo o que estava contido em sua vã revelação

Breve pensamento
Breve o som, palavra
Que lavra sustentar o som
Que ostenta a própria alma

Dentro do espelho
Submerso em água
Deságua sempre, sem cessar
No curso em movimento

Vou ficar, me entregar
Até escurecer
Estrela surgindo devagar
Vem flamejar meu resplandecer

E vão ruindo todos os sentidos em contradição
Em sim, em não, em tudo o que estava contido em sua vã revelação

1- Vain Revelation

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Apoena Frota

Inside the Silence
Before the firmament
I prefer to pour myself into the sea
tangled in the depths

In ashy blue
my complement goes
Lost between ground and air
In the light of daydream

I will stay, let myself go
Until the sun rises
Slowly fading star
Come dissipate my glow

Contradicting senses go crumbling away
In yes, in no, in all that was contained in it’s vain revelation

Brief thought
Brief the sound, word
As swords sustain the sound
That flaunts its own soul

Inside the mirror
Submerged in water
It flows always, without ceasing
On the moving course

I will stay, let myself go
Until day turns into night
Star slowly rising
Come and blaze my glow

Contradicting senses go crumbling away
In yes, in no, in all that was contained in your vain revelation

2- Pérolas

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Thalma De Freitas

Pérolas valor universal
Proteção Resiliência Natural
Arte ao criar em meio a aflição
Joia em resposta a um corpo estranho

Nós harmonias em comum
Em acordo ideal
Mesmo assim a rejeição
Na profunda entrega

Nós união entre iguais
Companheiros parças pais
Nossa obra é bem maior que o somar das partes

São muitos atritos a casar
Aprendi como é preciso perdoar
Arte de lidar em meio a aflição
Pérolas resposta a um corpo estranho

Generosa confusão
Encantada maldição
Destinado a libertar
Meu melhor amigo

Eu no equívoco fulgaz
Lamentando o bem querer
Dolorosa adequação
Condição humana

Pérolas valor sentimental
Proteção Resiliência natural
Arte ao criar em meio a aflição
Joia em resposta a um corpo estranho

2- Pearls

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Thalma De Freitas

Pearls universal value
Natural resilience, protection
Art in creating in the midst of distress

Jewelry in response to a foreign body

Us, harmonies in common
In ideal agreement
And even in rejection
In deep surrender

Us, union among equals
Peers, partners, parents
Our work is much greater than the sum of its parts

There’s many frets to amalgamate
I learned how it’s necessary to forgive
Art of dealing in the midst of distress
Pearls response to a foreign body

Generous confusion
Enchanted curse
Destined to free
My best friend

I’m not a fleeting mistake
Regretting the good will
Painful adaptation
Human condition

Pearls sentimental value
Protection, natural resilience
Art in creating in the midst of distress
Jewelry in response to a foreign body

3- Para Me Entender

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Alexia Bomtempo

Eu tenho fases como a lua
E vou logo te dizer
Sou feita de complexidades
E sou difícil de ler

Ando sozinha pela rua
Um passo a frente, um passo atrás
No emaranhado da cidade
Nada me satisfaz

Eu quero mais e mais
Eu quero mais e mais…

Para me entender
Vai ter que se perder
no infinito que sou
Não tem segredo não

Eu nunca disse que era sua
Com palavras não me dou
Eu faço o que me dá vontade
Não leve a mal, meu amor

A nossa dança continua
Um passo a frente, um passo atrás
No emaranhado da saudade
Nada me satisfaz

Eu quero mais e mais
Eu quero mais e mais…

Para me entender
Vai ter que se perder no infinito que sou
Não tem segredo não

3- To Understand Me

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Alexia Bomtempo

I have phases like the moon
And I’ll tell you straight away
I am made of complexities
And I’m hard to read

I walk alone down the street
One step forward, one step back
In the tangle of the city
Nothing satisfies me

I want more and more
I want more and more…

To understand me
You’ll have to get lost
in the infinite that I am
There’s no secret

I never said I was yours
I can’t give myself with words
I do what I want
Don’t take this the wrong way, my love

Our dance continues
One step forward, one step back
In the tangle of longing
Nothing satisfies me

I want more and more
I want more and more…

To understand me
You’ll have to get lost in the infinite that I am
There’s no secret

4- Inverno De Nós Dois

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Caro Pierotto & Grecco Buratto

E assim, se foi voou
Em tons de azul
E entristeceu

Foi num vendaval
Que aqui passou
Soprou do sul
E anoiteceu

Se foi, o amor, morreu
No meio da estação
Na chuva de verão

Ficou a dor e o frio
Do Inverno de nós dois
Restou o vazio

E fiquei só eu aqui
No inverno desse amor
Que foi partiu

Só ficou a dor e o frio
Do Inverno de nós dois
Esse vazio

E fiquei só eu aqui
No inverno desse amor

Que foi partiu
E assim, se foi voou

4- The Winter Between Us

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Caro Pierotto & Grecco Buratto

And so like this it flew away
in shades of blue
and sadness came
Foi num vendaval

T’was a storm
that passed through here
it blew form the south
and brought the night upon us

It’s gone, the love, passed away
in the middle of the season
in a summer rain

We’re left with cold and pain
from the winter between us
all that remains is emptiness

And I ended up here by myself
in the winter of this love
that’s gone, has left

We’re left with cold and pain
from the winter between us
this emptiness

And I ended up here by myself
in the winter of this love
that’s gone, has left
And so, like that, it flew away

5- Nosso Cais

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Alexia Bomtempo

Tanta coisa por dizer
Pétalas no chão
Se você quiser lembrar
Finca os pés na areia

No silêncio um canto vem como um sopro
Roçando no seu vestido de cetim

Eu te alcanço aonde for meu bem
Eu te alcanço aonde for

Quando der saudade, vem
Olha a intenção
Se tiver vontade, sim
Nosso cais te espera

Teu sorriso largo enfeita a alvorada
Salgada de maresia pelo céu

Eu te alcanço aonde for meu bem
Eu te alcanço aonde for

A noite parece não ter mais fim
Eu vivo de sonho até de manhã
Se você um dia talvez precisar de mim
Que seja leve
De novo

Our Pier

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Alexia Bomtempo

So much to say
Petals on the floor
If you want to remember,
plant your feet in the sand

In the silence a song comes like a breath
Brushing against your satin dress

I’ll join you wherever you are, my dear
I’ll join you wherever you go

When you miss me, come
Watch the intention
Whenever you want, you know
Our pier awaits you

Your wide smile adorns the dawn
salty sea spray across the sky

I’ll reach you wherever you are, my dear
I’ll reach you wherever you go

The night seems to have no end
I live in a dream until the morning
If by chance you ever need me,
Let it be light

6- Uma Noite Com Você

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Vitor Ramil

Uma noite com você
Faz o tempo se perder
O relógio vem e vai
Num instante se detém

Então começa a correr
Sem parar
Você e eu
Nem sentimos ele passar

Uma noite com você
Faz a casa desvairar
Pelas ruas vai e vem
A cidade é como um mar

As ondas abrem seu véu
Sobre nós
Você e eu
Somos uma praia sem fim

Vou te contar
Os meus olhos sempre podem ver
Se o coração me diz
Que não se entende mais

Agora eu sei
Cada estrela vai nos esquecer
Mas essa noite, amor
Vai nos fazer durar

Uma noite com você
Faz o dia esperar
O automóvel não saiu
Do carteiro, nem sinal

A terra fora de si
Não girou
Você e eu
Não lembramos de acordar

Vou te contar
Os meus olhos sempre podem ver
Se o coração me diz
Que não se entende mais

Agora eu sei
Cada estrela vai nos esquecer
Mas essa noite, amor
Vai nos fazer durar

6- One Night With You

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Vitor Ramil

One night with you
Makes time go away
The clock comes and goes
Then for an instant stops

Then starts running
You and I
We didn’t even feel it go by

One night with you
Makes the house go wild
Through the streets comes and goes
The city is like a sea

The waves open their veil
Over us
You and I
We are an endless beach

Let me tell you
My eyes can always see
If the heart tells me
it no longer understands

I know now
Every star will forget us
But tonight, my love
will make us last

One night with you
Makes the day wait
The car did not start
From the postman, not a sign

The Earth lost it
didn’t even spin
You and I
forgot to wake up.

Let me tell you
My eyes can always see
If the heart tells me
it no longer understands

I know now
Every star will forget us
But tonight, my love
will make us last

7- Romántico Calor

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Bruna Black

Fico a sua espera
Num dia nublado
Fico na vontade
Desse teu afago

Pela janela eu te vejo
Com ginga e os braços abertos
Falando alto
Que sentiu saudade, amor
E de novo o dia tem cor

Eu abro a porta e te recebo
Logo seus braços me entrelaçam
E o que era frio então aquece
Com seu amor
E eu confesso, saudade

De te sentir com ritmo
Dentro de mim
Ver estrelas de dia
Tão romântico calor

Te sentir com ritmo
Muito querer
no profundo do olhar
se perder


De te sentir com ritmo
Dentro de mim
Ver estrelas de dia
Tão romântico calor

Te sentir com ritmo
Muito querer
no profundo do olhar
se perder

Sentirei saudades desse teu gingado…

7- Romantic Heat

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Bruna Black

I’m waiting for you
on a cloudy day
I feel at home
in your caress

Through the window I see you
With your swing and open arms
Talking loud
That you missed me, love
And the day’s colors come back

I open the door and welcome you
Then your arms entwine me
And what was cold then warms up
With your love
And I confess, I missed you

Feeling your rhythm
Inside of me
See stars by day
such romantic heat

Feeling your rhythm
So much love
gets lost
in the depths of your eyes

I’ll miss your swing…

8- Será

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Caro Pierotto & Grecco Buratto

Será que se não houvessem planos
Felizes, seríamos com nossos enganos
Será que, talvez o que eu sempre sonhei
já não é mais pra mim

Será que me escutam os anjos
Juízes, sorriem com os meus desencantos
Será que, além do que eu sempre sonhei
há algo mais pra mim, será

Que a manhã que traz um novo sol nascente no horizonte
fonte que reflete no olhar
E brilha


Que a manhã que traz um novo sol nascente no horizonte
fonte que reflete no olhar
E brilha

Será o futuro
bem mais humano
Esquinas, me levam longe para outro plano
Será que

Cheguei ao que eu sempre quis
E que sempre sonhei
Que sonhei, ser eu

8- I Wonder

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Caro Pierotto & Grecco Buratto

I wonder if there were no plans
would we be happy with our mistakes
I wonder if maybe what had dreamed for myself
it’s not for me anymore

I wonder if the angels hear me
Judging and smiling down on my misfortunes
I wonder if beyond what I had dreamed for
there’s something else for me

I wonder if the morning that brings the new sun born in the
horizon source that reflects in my eyes and shines


If the morning that brings the new sun born in the
horizon source that reflects in my eyes
and shines

Will the future be more humane
corners that take me far away to another plan

I wonder if I made it to where I’ve always wanted to be and
dreamed of
that I dreamed of, of being me

9- Chão De Nuvem

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Bruna Black

O chão de nuvem Infinito bem ali
Pairando alto e com medo de cair
Vou confiar
Foco, pois o que era sonho…

Agora é realidade a cumprir
Coragem pra colher o que plantei e enfim
Vou confiar
Deixar tudo então fluir

Que lindo é viver de alcançar o céu
E projetar futuro com mais expansão
Sei que mereço pois um dia tive fé
E defendi meu voo com o coração

Batendo asas no real
Sim esse é o presente,
Sim eu recebo e agradeço

9- Cloud Floor

Music by John Finbury, Lyrics by Bruna Black

A cloud floor, infinity right there
hovering high and scared of falling
I will trust
Focus, for what was a dream…

Now it’s reality to fulfill
Courage to reap what I sowed, so
I will trust
and let it all flow

How beautiful it is to live to reach the sky
And project a future of further growth
I know I earned it, for one day I had faith
And I defended my flight with all my heart

Spreading my wings at last
If this is my present,
I shall accept it with gratitude

John Finbury is a Grammy and Latin Grammy-nominated composer based in Andover, Massachusetts. His earliest music education and influence came from his father, Herbert, a musician (violin) and one of the first jazz composition students at the Schillinger School in Boston, which would later become Berklee College Of Music. In his teenage years, John played rock & roll drums, most notably at the “The Bitter End” in New York City. In college, John studied classical piano and music theory and composition at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge and Boston University.

Seeking another connection to music, John ran a legendary movie house and concert hall in Salem, MA, hosting performances by BB King, Bonnie Raitt, Richard Thompson, REM, Eric Burton and The Animals, Alan Holdsworth and Pat Metheny, among many others. John was a trial attorney for 37 years and retired in 2023 to devote himself full-time to music composition and recording.

John married his lifelong muse Patty Brayden, who sings and is a frequent collaborator as a lyricist; they often performed locally as part of the Jazz Sextet “Day For Night”. John’s old friend Ned Claflin (who has also worked with Madonna and Martin Sexton) is another important associate in the lyrics department.

In what he recognizes as his first professional commission as a composer, in 1979, John wrote and recorded a soundtrack for “Portraits from the 2 O’clock Lounge”, a TV documentary by Fred Simon produced for WGBH Boston. The R&B and pop songs he wrote and recorded in the early 80s have garnered current critical attention, with many being acquired in 2014 by Fervor Records. This renewed interest in his music sparked a new era in John’s composing focused on his longstanding interest in the beautiful music of Brazil.

In 2014 John released an EP of four original songs of Brazilian Jazz called “The Green Flash”. All four songs were nominated for The American Songwriting Awards in 2015, with “SambaDan” winning the award for Best Instrumental.

2015 saw the release of “Imaginário,” an album consisting of 11 original songs of Brazilian jazz featuring vocalist Marcella Camargo, accompanied by some of Boston’s finest musicians: Fernando Huergo, Mark Walker, Tim Ray, Claudio Ragazzi, Roberto Cassan, and Ricardo Monzon.

In 2016, Finbury emerged on the Latin Music scene when a song from “Imaginário” called “A Chama Verde” was nominated for a Latin Grammy for “Song Of The Year.” In 2017, John released his second Brazilian jazz-infused album, “Pitanga”, which received critical acclaim. Finbury’s album “Sorte!”, in collaboration with Brazilian singer-songwriter Thalma de Freitas was released in May 2019. With music by John and lyrics and vocals by Thalma, they recorded six original songs at The Power Station Studios in New York City, produced by Latin Grammy winner Emilio D. Miler, who assembled an All-Star band featuring Vitor Gonçalves, Chico Pinheiro, Duduka de Fonseca, John Patitucci, Rogerio Boccato and the legendary Airto Moreira. On November 21, 2019, “Sorte!” Was nominated for a 2020 Grammy Award for Best Latin Jazz Album.

In May 2020, John released two new albums of original music: American Nocturnes- Final Days Of July” presenting intimate chamber jazz instrumental music uniquely arranged for piano, cello, guitar, accordion, and harmonica, and a new Latin Jazz album, QUATRO, featuring Magos Herrera, Chano Domínguez, John Patitucci, and Antonio Sánchez. The song “Independence Day” from QUATRO was nominated as a finalist in the Best Jazz Song Category in the 2023 International Song Competition.

In 2021, following news of the death of Chick Corea, John and Thalma de Freitas composed and recorded the song “Ring The Bells” in tribute to the great jazz master.

During the pandemic, John began an artistic collaboration with French jazz singer extraordinaire Camille Bertault. They recorded and released two singles: “Look At What A Mess You Made Of Me” in which Camille teamed up with bassist Christian McBride, and “Boulevard” with lyrics by Camille recorded with organist Larry Gouldings and Billy Martin on drums.

2022 saw the release of three original instrumental Brazilian jazz compositions recorded in São Paulo Brazil by native masters Mestrinho on accordion, Michael Pipoquinho on bass, Cainã Cavalcante on guitars, Celso de Almeida on drums, and Leo Rodrigues on percussion. Also in 2022, a renewed musical collaboration between John and jazz singer/lyricist Magos Herrera began with the release of their song “That Was Then,” featuring harpist Kristi Shade, cellist Hamilton Berry, and Julien Labro on Bandoneon, “¡Por Ennio!” with PUBLIQuartet, and “Bastille Day” featuring the extraordinary pianist Dan Tepfer, Hamilton Berry, and percussionist Rogerio Boccato.

In 2023, John collaborated with the phenomenal vocalist Bruna Black from Sáo Paulo Brazil. They recorded an album of original songs at The Power Station at Berklee in New York City and released two singles. The album features Bruna on vocals, and a familiar supporting cast: Vitor Gonçalves on keyboards and accordion, John Patitucci on bass, Duduka De Fonseca on drums, Rogerio Boccato on Percussion, and Chico Pinheiro on guitar. The album is called “Vã Revelação” and it was released on May 14, 2024.